The NTN Freeride is a binding for telemark and freeride skiing...................................

479.95 €
429.95 *
You save 50.00 €

In stock
can be shipped within 2-4 days


Rottefella Freedom is the binding for those who seek freedom and challanges off-piste......

499.95 €
449.00 *
You save 50.95 €

In stock
can be shipped within 3-4 days

Add this binding plate to you rock skis, back up skis, or extra skis so you can swap your NTN Freeride telemarkbindings

79.95 €
69.95 *
You save 10.00 €

Currently unavailable

Original Rottefella Power Tubes for NTN Freeride Binding

In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

Rottefella Freeride ski brakes comes in three different sizes

39.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days